- (Audit / Internal Control Audit)
- Statutory audits and review of financial statements regulated by
regulatory bodies.
- IFRS audits and reviews.
- Audits and reviews of consolidation reporting packages.
- Reviews of prospective financial information and budgets.
- Audits for other special reports.
- Internal control reviews and advice.
- Advisory services related to finance, accounting, and financial
งานด้านพนักงาน ประกันสังคม และกองทุนทดแทน
- ( Employees , Social security & Compensation fund)
- Register for social security and compensation fund.
- Update tax and social security data.
- Manage withholding tax and monthly social security payment.
- Prepare tax form for individual employee.
บริการจดทะเบียนธุรกิจ -
(Business Registrations)
- Register a company, a partnership, a shop or a juristic person.
- Update the registration data.
- Increase/ decrease fund.
- Register for out of business
- Register Import / Export card.
- (Information Technology System)
- Accounting Software
- Computer Security and Controls Reviews
- System Design and Implementation